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Point systems

Maximize Your Performance, Maximize Your Points

The Big Ice Rink’s point system rewards skill, strategy, and savvy. Every play you make—whether it’s a big hit, assist, or goal—brings you closer to victory. 

Goals: +5 points

Assists: +3 points

Shots on Goal: +0.5 points

Hits: +1 point

Blocked Shots: +1 point


  • Positive (+) = +2 points
  • Negative (-) = -1 point

Power Play Points (Goals or Assists during a Power Play): +2 points

Game-Winning Goals: +3 points

Penalty Minutes: -0.5 points per minute

Saves (Goalies): +0.2 points per save

Goals Allowed (Goalies): -1 point per goal allowed

Shutout (Goalies): +5 points

Win (Goalies): +4 points

Overtime Loss (Goalies): +2 points